The 4-day week is becoming more and more popular within companies, I'll tell you about my experience at Bruno!
Is it really recent?
The 4-day week is a not-so-recent concept since it was Pierre Larrouturou who launched the project in 1993 to promote recruitment in companies. Around 400 companies had tested the 4-day week, which allowed them to obtain partial exemption from social security contributions (8%). Since then the law has been repealed but some companies have kept this system.
One of the best-known companies for relaunching the 4-day week is the company LDLC. Behind this choice, which seems to be a gift for employees, there is a real economic issue for companies!
The advantages for the company and the employee are legion:
For the company :
A happy employee is an employee who is less sick, who experiences less burnout and who stays with the company!
For the employee:
In our agency, it was decided to give Fridays to 50% of the team and Mondays to 50% of the team, which allows the agency to remain open and not penalize our clients and our activity. I don't work on Mondays and take advantage of this day to take care of my daughter who is a few months old. It’s a moment I wouldn’t want to trade! In the position I previously held before my retraining (read the article on my retraining), I worked on Saturdays and took one day off during the week. I enjoyed my children much less and I even felt like my time was being stolen. The 4 day week changed everything!
An impossible return
Imagining working again for 5 days seems impossible to me today! The 4 days a week trend seems to be catching on and I think and hope it will become a norm in a few years! I had fun doing a little calculation:
If we consider that we work around 45 years (from 20 years to 65 years on average), then we can do a little calculation to know how many days less we will work with the 4-day week (not to be reported in hour, since in my case, I always do 35 hours).
4 days per month x 12 months = 48 additional days per year.
48 x 45 = 2160 days/365 days = 6 years.
For a working life of 4 days per week, you will have worked 6 years less than the average (in working days) or rather, you will have gained 6 years of non-working days!
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